Until my last hospital stay, I had never heard of any health care providers. 

  I was still under the assumption of doctors treating patients. Although I will admit most cases I worked were Nursing homes, Elder facilities or families. Somehow along the line Nurses were allowed to go to school for two more years  and in some cases only one more year to become Nurse Practitioners. I am not saying this is a bad thing, Where I came from most Nurses had a BSN and if you wanted to know what was really  going on you asked a Nurse not a Doctor. Heck, even the Doctors would ask the Nurses!  That was the 60's, 70's and 80's. Today is an altogether different scenario.

   Today nurses with BSN's can go back to school for one or two years and get a masters in Nursing which allows them to sit for the exam to be a licensed Nurse Practitioner. Just think of that. A doctor of Medicine goes to school for anywhere from ten to fourteen (14) years to become a licensed doctor. Hmm, six years versus fourteen years. Seems kind of lopsided to me. Now I am not saying there are not damn good Nurses out there. Because there definitely are But at the same time. We have young new to the field Nurses vs. veteran nurses who see this as a big money game.  I have seen veteran nurses show Doctors a trick or two. I have also seen new young Nurses make serious mistakes  Mistakes that go to the Morgue.  Don't mistake me, Doctors have sent their fair share of mistakes to the morgue as well.   

These new NP providers are just  a gamble. I personally had a Doctor, an NP, and then found a good NP.  But, the first  N.P.  actually told me that although I was a diabetic I needed to not lose too much weight as I needed the cushion when  I fall. I thought that was strange, since diabetics who are obese do need to lose that fat and get fit.  Then I went home and began taking the new medication she prescribed for me, but I soon discovered why she made that remark. I was dizzy, I had blurred vision and was extremely disoriented and unbalanced. Diabetes does not make you dizzy, nor does hypertension give you blurry eyes. The medication does!  Elderly patients do in fact fall. However, it is from the medications not the diseases. Furthermore, when you stop taking the meds you have to wean off of them because they will continue to cause all the side effects for weeks, depending on how long you took them.  Additionally, ALL hypertensive drugs cause dizziness, blurry eyes, tiredness and many more side effects, There is no drug for hypertension or diabetes without serious side effects, So why  would a provider tell you such a fallacy? Simple. They want to keep you dependent on drugs. Let's just be honest. This is my personal findings. The disease does not kill you the medications do. I have used several reputable sites to research all medications  such as the Mayo clinic, the Merck Manual, Harvard university , Hopkins school of medicine etc.

   We appear to be getting closer to being a society that does address the causes of diseases . If we can just get all the citizens to start asking questions and taking a much more proactive approach to their own healthcare we may  finally become healthy! My favorite question is, why do we want to suffer so needlessly? Functional Medicine is closer to helping than any other medicine yet it also has it's greed factor and we must be careful. Come on, three hundred and fifty dollars for a doctor to tell you to eat a plant based diet? We are back at the start again! 

 The next red flag was with this same provider, whom I called because a stronger drug she gave me caused a bad reaction and she snapped that, if I did not want to follow her instructions she would just have to refer me to a specialist. Hmm, I wondered if she gave it any thought of what I would do.  File a complaint, That is what. She knew I was a nurse, she knew I was an Administrator, She knew I was an investigator. She also knew that she was using bad behavior to bully a patient. We must put an end to those kinds of providers, who do more harm than good.

   This just seems to me that they are filling the field with far too many possibilities for mistakes, That spells danger for me, but as an investigator I see much more potential for lawsuits. After all Nurses need to have malpractice insurance also. All the Attorneys out there need to wake up, they have a whole  new industry from which to make money and this one will be easier. Join our site later to learn the why and how ,as well as the possibilities.

Nurses being providers have freed up Doctors to make big bucks. They have family Practices with maybe three NP's working for them at a time. That is three times the amount of patients the doctor could see by himself. They all prescribe medicines, especially for high blood pressure and often change the medicine. It is no secret the big pharmaceutical companies are paying kickbacks. These NPs make great money for Doctors. However let's be honest. These Nurse Practitioners are not Doctors, they did not go to medical school. They studied what drugs do for what illness, That virtually is my opinion of the scope of their knowledge in medicine today. Some may get somewhat knowledgeable about some supplements but that is a rare instance.

The Doctors  no longer have hospital privileges if they are in family practice, Patients must use "Hospitalists" .A Hospitalist is a physician who cares  for admitted hospital patients, meaning they only work inside a hospital. These particular doctors have often completed residency training in general internal medicine, pediatrics, neurology, obstetrics and gynecology, or oncology. You go to the hospital and are admitted and get a doctor who knows nothing about you, which can be problematic in and of itself. Especially if the patient intake person gave all the wrong information.

 Medical records in a bad hospital can cause problems as well.  They tend to lie about elder patients who come in through the emergency room. I  admit that would be so much easier than having to get up from a desk and go into the room and ask the patient or family member the pertinent questions. Now, here is a great reason to complain. That is called falsifying your medical records. I know I sound malicious, but, if you could see how many misdiagnosis and useless suffering  which is caused by these inadequate, so called health information clerks, you would be vehement also. It is  possible that it can even cost lives.

We need to take action to protect ourselves and out loved ones. Medicare has taken steps in this past decade or so to offer more to the Elders. As Elders we need to do our part. When things are wrong, file that complaint. When you have been injured, sue them! You do not always have to sue for a lot. But enough to get it in the case records. Because believe it or not, in my research, who I go to each time, is to look  If they have had a case filed against them several times, then I know that is not a good doctor or  facility, I explain all of that school of thought and the reasoning behind it in my reports. This site is an ongoing project and our  goal is to help seniors find answers to health care problems. 

Sometimes you need to sue, sometimes you need to complain in written form to the proper agencies and there are more than one. You will often be told that one complaint will not result in any disciplinary action but, I will tell you this. If a complaint is written well with the correct information and expounds on all steps of the incident or incidents, it will most often result in a suspended license. I will tell you how to do that in my report of complaints. I will tell you how to get results each and every time and why that is important. The medical world is complex, but still requires regulations. Last but not least, When you are used to obtain money by insurance companies who do not give you services outlined in your insurance declaration of benefits, that is Elder Abuse. Why? Because when your insurance company does not provide you with benefits outlined in your declaration of benefits and they keep collecting the premium , that is financial exploitation A felony! Yes you can sue them and it has a four to five year statutory limit.

 Elders need to know what to do to advocate for their own health. 

In Summary

The is the very first sign you are in a hospital owned by a private equity firm, and run by a management company who really could give a hoot about patient services or healing. In fact, doctors in these types of hospitals no longer have  a concern to heal. They treat symptoms. Because that us exactly what medicine today has become. Big Pharma owns the medical industry.

Let's look at the honest truth. You are now a cash cow for several new fields. Have you ever wondered why Functional Medical doctors are all the rage right now? Research them and find out. I did and I believe personally that, they carry the five basics of good health to many extremes to monitor the practice. But their basic belief is really something we all need to subscribe to/ These new doctors are charging extremely high rates and getting them.

I am half Native American and my father believed in a plant based diet, supplemented with fish, fowl  and only occasionally meat. I reversed my diabetes and stabilized my high blood pressure. It took me ten months to do so, while detoxing from all the drugs of modern medicine,   No, it is not magical, nor a special blend of exotic herbs from the orient. It is good common sense and learning all about the food industry.

I recommend that anyone study all the alternatives. Western medicine has its place, but, through the last several decades, Americans have become placid about their health, Then they want a doctor to give them a magic pill to fix it. No can do , folks! We need to take responsibility for our own health. Once we are diagnosed, we need to research what causes this disease. Then we can take action to treat it at its core. We may still need some medication, but not in the dosages we originally had. In most cases we can get off the medication completely. We just have to get off our butts and change our lifestyles and ways of eating.

  Which brings us to Doctors.

 Doctors are literally getting away with murder!

Today if a Doctor, or Hospital. or Nurse, or Technician  or any professional kills a patient, mains a patient, or harms a patient in any way, due to their carelessness, stupidity or just plain negligence, the victim cannot do anything about it. No, the days of holding them accountable are over! Today lawyers are  indeed the gatekeepers of law.  That being said , let me explain. Lawyers feel they have to pay for expert witnesses, private investigators, legal assistants for research and they only get thirty to forty percent of the final award or settlement, plus they pay all the expenses . Since there is a cap on malpractice and the merits of the case will not bring a bountiful amount for the lawyer, then they do not want to take the case. You see, old people are not worth much at all. Children are much too resilient and people in their prime, well, Doctors are always very careful with that group.. When you add the Medicare factor in there well fourteen surgeries a day is any Doctors dream when Medicare is footing that geriatric bill. Now children are about in the same boat because today you have a large percentage of children on Medicaid. so again we have some very profitable surgeries. Heck I have seen twelve Tonsillectomies. in one day all paid for by Medicaid! 

Back to our trusty  gatekeepers. Now for those who just don't know, many, many attorneys litigate a few cases to start, it gives them a name. Then they just become " file and wait" attorneys! I was once told by a very successful attorney, "Every single case is worth something". So, they would just file and wait for an offer of settlement. They would get the settlement, take out their thirty or forty percent and the expenses. The victim got what was left.  This is part of the reason I use the noun of victim instead of patient. This is how many attorneys made a whole lot of money. Yea, it was a real piece of cake, such a sweet deal. Today the burden of proof in medical cases is on the victim. Funny how that only works in medicine. Consequently, medical professionals are literally getting away with murder!  It is no wonder everyone wants to be a Nurse Practitioner! Only in medicine can you get rich harming innocent victims, and get kickbacks from the big pharma companies while your doing it!  That is one sweet deal! Except, you CAN do something about it. Oh yes, you can stop these evil , greedy monsters. You can file complaints from the local level to the state and all the way to the federal level. Once you file with Medicare or Medicaid it gets interesting. Oh my, did you know  you get a percentage of what  the department of justice recovers? Do I need to tell you how ruthless that department can be and is? Then you can also bring criminal charges against them. Now, this is an even better deal than suing because you don't have to share your percentage with an attorney! That's right. 

Keep  checking back. My reports will be available fie you to see all the places you can file, how to file and how to report Medicare and Medicaid fraud. There will even be tips on getting them prosecuted. You get compensated plus the satisfaction of knowing you stopped them ! Now that is so much  better than making money for a lawyer? But wait it gets better. Did you know if you are over the age of 65 it is Elder Abuse? The anguish, and torment that went with your neglect is Elder abuse.   It's true!  It's about time we all started fighting for our own health and lives.         


Be sure to visit our digital store to get your copies of where and how to complain: That link will be coming very soon.

1, Complain about Doctors and other providers.

2, complain about Hospitals and many other facilities. 

3. Complain about Health insurance companies. 

4. Complain about Medical procedures billed to Medicare and/or Medicaid

.5. How I reversed my Diabetes type 2

.6. How I stabilized my B/P at 77 years of age.

Get any of these and more to come I promise these reports will be available at nominal fees.